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Clearing the Clutter

If I knew that you were coming over for coffee, I would wipe down the bathrooms, vacuum and bake something yummy to go with your latte. If you're coming to visit for the weekend, I scrub every nook & cranny, give you my bed with a little goody basket & flowers in the room. I want anyone that comes into my home to feel welcomed, comfortable. I want you to know that I have created space for you and you are a priority because you are loved.

As I continue to explore the idea of Simple in my life, I am finding that it isn't about my surroundings rather more about what is in my heart. In the midst of my tidy tendencies I have a bad habit of hiding my messes. There is a certain corner in my closet that if I do not know what to do with something, I shove it in there.

Out of sight, out of mind.

Yes, I cleaned out my closets for the new year, but the Lord keeps bring up messes that I have hidden away in my heart. They cause clutter and leave little space for Jesus. I need to create space for Jesus and make Him a priority.

How do I do that?


Search me, O God, and know my heart.

Try me and know my thoughts.

See if there be any wicked way in me,

And lead me in the way everlasting.

Psalm 139:22-24


I would never have you over for a visit and then ask you to dig into my messy closet. But that is exactly what we are supposed to do with Jesus and our hearts. I cannot clean my own heart. I can't really even hide it from Him. He knows it's there and what needs to be done. But Jesus is polite and awaits my invitation. I have to welcome Him in to search the deepest recesses of my heart and allow Him to bring it to light.


Create in me a clean heart, O God,

Renew a steadfast spirit within me.

Do not cast me away from Your presence,

Do not take Your Holy Spirit way from me.

Restore unto me the joy of my salvation,

Uphold me by Your generous Spirit.

Psalm 51:10-12


Confession is humbling. Repentance restorative.

It's easy to identify the big items in our closets that take up space and need removing. It is the smaller, not so noticeable bits that we tend to skip over. Sin is no different. The "BIG" sins are the ones we are always on the look out for. What about the smaller ones; omissions of truth, sharp words, holding on to hurt, busyness? They may not seem like a big deal, but at their roots lie pride, selfishness, bitterness. All of which creates clutter that doesn't just edge Jesus out; it shuts Him out.

Personally, when I am feeling a lack of Jesus, it is the result of sin in my heart. I can't stuff it into the dark corner of my closet without it affecting the light & love in the rooms of my life.

I must confess, repent & allow Him to clean out the clutter;

So That God gets the glory and I am made new.

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