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So That Salvation is Known

At our house Saint Patrick's Day is a day filled with green food, green art projects & green science experiments. Of course it is always concluded with corned beef, potatoes, cabbage & Irish soda bread. I love St. Paddy's Day. Not just because both sides of the family boast of a little Irish blood or the fun had all day long, but because of the story behind the celebration. In the midst of the hoopla, the boys and I always stop to read the story of St. Patrick. It's a salvation story.

The story is of a young English boy kidnapped by pirates and sold into slavery. In the middle of terrible circumstances, he finds salvation in God & from his captors. In his new found freedom he returns to England and becomes a priest. The story doesn't end there. He returns to Ireland with a passion to share God's grace with this pagan culture. Despite further persecution, many come to know the salvation of God.

There is some dispute as to the particulars of this story; however the beauty of this tale remains. Born out of difficult circumstances God's truth of love & grace prevail. Saint Patrick was courageous & it changed a nation. Dear Church, your story is much the same. We live in a pagan culture. Perhaps making it even more difficult are the blurred lines of religion, political correctness and faith. But you, sweet Bride, can be courageous. You can change a nation. Not with compromise. Not with acceptance of the grey areas of our culture. Be bold with the truth of salvation. There is one triune God - Father, Son & Spirit. Jesus, the perfect Son, came and covers our sin with the blood of sacrifice. He rose again and sits at the right hand of God. He desperately & deeply loves you. Will you let the Truth be your salvation story? Will you live in such a way So That salvation is known?


For God so loved the world,

That He gave His only Son.

Whoever believes in Him,

Shall not die, but have eternal life.

John 3:16

Therefore go & make disciples of all nations,

baptizing them in the name of the

Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.

Matthew 28:19

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