So That They Are Godly
End of the school year pics are popping up all over social media. Proud moms are showing off how much their kiddos have grown & all of their wonderful achievements. And Mama, you should be proud! Behind every great kid is a hard working, deep loving, probably very tired mom. Deep breath because while the kids are celebrating sunny, lazy days ahead, we are already planning summer play dates, vacations and bridge actives that keep them sharp for the coming fall.

As a mom (or maybe the main caregiver), our constant state of planning & activity is our desire to see our children thrive. We want them to have the best life can give them. I know for myself this devotion lends itself to an underlying worry & question...Am I doing enough? Am I doing my best? I'm so tired, why am I doing this? Schooling for our boys has never been, eh... consistent. I don't mean their actual education, but rather when & where it has happened. It has been as varied as the multiple states we've lived in. They've home schooled, gone to Christian school and attended public school. It has all depended on where Matt's job has us. Each year we pray about what will be best for the boys and then I spend the rest of the time worrying because I want them to be successful. I don't want to mess them up.
I recently heard a quote from Beth Moore...
"we would rather they be successful &
ungodly, than say to the Lord 'I want You to have them.'."
She continues with the encouragement that we should be gutsy enough to pray that the Lord does whatever He needs to fulfill their God given purpose. This idea of Godliness over success is one that the Lord has pressed on my heart year after year (usually because I forget it & become consumed with doing enough). When I seek the Lord concerning my performance as a mom, His words are always, "teach them to love Me more than anything else and I will take care of the rest."
I did not get the traditional "First Day of School" pic and more than likely will not get the last day caught on film either. I hope that all of the academia from this last year sticks with my kiddos. We have a lot of fun planned for this summer. And I don't know what the next school year looks like for our boys. But I do know that more than anything I want them to love God and live for Him. I know I'm not alone in this. When we take the time to put aside all of our activity, you & I share the same heart. You're doing a great job, Mama. So, join me in soaking in the sun, checking off the summer bucket list and pouring the love of Jesus into these awesome kiddos each & every day, So That they are Godly.
PS. Download and print (click here) June's reminder of God's glory for the ultimate summer goal.

PPS. Check out Beth Moore's encouragement/challenge...