I had a couch load of laundry to fold and the ironing pile was going to eat me alive this morning, so I was set to watch a chick flick and get 'er done. I happened to turn on the Price is Right and get sucked in. I haven't watched this show in years and it reminds me of sick days snuggled up next to my mom. I couldn't help myself. It's impossible to not get caught up in their excitement. I found myself shouting at the TV, because of course I had the right answer.
Why didn't they listen to me? Hehe.

Seriously though, the contestants were focused and determined to win. Their eye was on the prize and they could not contain their enthusiasm. Even if they didn't win their showcase, they knew they would get to spin the wheel. They knew they could still win. If they were loosing, they were still having fun.
In between matching socks and throwing another shirt on the ironing pile, my memory verse for the week popped into my head...
I have set the Lord continually before me.
Because He is at my right hand, I will not be shaken.
Therefore my heart is glad & my glory rejoices.
My flesh also will dwell securely within me.
Psalm 16:8-9
Granted, there aren't any flashing lights, spinning wheels or theme music playing, but I can live my life with joy and anticipation of winning. The key is keeping my eye on the prize. No, it's not a new car or fancy vacation. It is the Lord. When I set Him before me & I am focused on eternity, not only will I not be shaken, but my heart will be glad. I can rejoice in any situation.
Even, when I don't feel like I am winning in the moment.
When parenting strategies aren't working,
When both cars are on the fritz,
When there are health issues and the no money,
When relationships are difficult.
Therefore, since we have so great a
cloud of witnesses surrounding us,
let us lay aside every burden and
the sin which so easily entangles us.
Let us run with endurance
the race set before us,
fixing our eyes on Jesus,
the Author & Finisher of our faith,
who for the joy set before Him, endured the cross,
despising the shame, has sat down at the
right hand of the throne of God.
Hebrews 12:-2
Look past the problem, set your eyes on the King & His kingdom and not only will your flesh dwell securely, but you'll be winning.